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Current research themes

Models for Decision Making

Part of the 21st Century Decision Making research cluster at UCL STEaPP

Inference from Models 

At the London Mathematical Laboratory

Current topics of interest: climate change, climate adaptation, “green finance”, economic and financial modelling, public health, insurance, disaster risk modelling/financing, machine learning and autonomous systems.

Past projects

Improving forecast information for humanitarian crises

Funded by a NERC Innovation Placement

Better Uncertainty Guidances

Funded by an LSE KEI grant

Climate Science in the Boardroom (CIBR)

Funded by NERC PURE.

AVOID2 Knowledge Integration

Funded by DECC, DEFRA, NERC and LWEC.
AVOID 2 was a UK government funded climate change research programme involving a multi-disciplinary consortium of UK research organisations. The programme ran from February 2014 to March 2016, following on from the first AVOID programme (2009-2013).  The programme provided scientifically-robust, policy-relevant answers to questions directly related to the Ultimate Objective of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which is to ‘prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system’.

Read more about my role as Knowledge Integrator.

The Global Calculator

Funded by DECC, the Climate-KIC, and NERC PURE Associates.
The Global Calculator is a model of the world’s energy, land and food systems that allows users to explore the options for reducing global emissions to 2050, and to see the climate consequences of these choices to 2100. It is a free, interactive and open-source tool that helps you to understand the link between our lifestyle, the energy we use, and the consequences for our climate.

Read more about my role as Climate Science Lead.

Understanding Uncertainty in Environmental Modelling (UUEM)

Funded by three NERC Advanced Training grants
I organised and ran one workshop in 2013-14, three workshops in 2014-15 and one in 2017 for NERC-funded early-career researchers in environmental sciences, on the subject of Understanding Uncertainty in Environmental Modelling.

Munich Re programme

Funded by Munich Re.