Pi, Maguire-Rajpaul & Thompson (2024). Policy brief: Harnessing the Power of Mathematical Models for Better Policy Decisions. UCL Policy Impact Unit. https://doi.org/10.5522/04/27980483
Wilkinson, Baer, Cormack, Köberle, Lowe & Thompson (2024). CGFI Discussion paper: A climate scenario taxonomy for the financial sector. UK Centre for Greening Finance and Investment.
Baldissera Pacchetti, Dessai, Risbey, Stainforth & Thompson (2024). Perspectives on the quality of climate information for adaptation decision support. Climatic Change, 177(11), 163. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-024-03823-1
Rusca, Sverdlik, Acharya, Basel, Boyd, Comelli, Dodman, Fraser, Harris, Lindersson, Mazzoleni, Marcellus Mbah, Mitlin, Ogra, Pelling, Raffetti, Sultana, Thompson, Tozzi, Zwarteveen & Messori (2024). Plural climate storylines to foster just urban futures. Nature Cities, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s44284-024-00133-6
Baldissera Pacchetti, Jebeile & Thompson (2024). For a Pluralism of Climate Modelling Strategies. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 105(7), E1350-E1364. https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-23-0169.1
The Lancet Commission on Strengthening the Use of Epidemiological Modelling of Emerging and Pandemic Infectious Diseases (2023). How modelling can better support public health policy making: the Lancet Commission on Strengthening the Use of Epidemiological Modelling of Emerging and Pandemic Infectious Diseases. The Lancet. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(23)02758-7
Pulkkinen, Undorf, Bender, Wikman-Svahn, Doblas-Reyes, Flynn, Hegerl, Jönsson, Leung, Roussos, Shepherd & Thompson (2022) The value of values in climate science. Nature Climate Change. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-021-01238-9
Katzav, Thompson, Risbey, Stainforth, Bradley, and Frisch (2021). “On the appropriate and inappropriate uses of probability distributions in climate projections, and some alternatives“, Climatic Change 169(15). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-021-03267-x
Wilson, Guivarch, Kriegler, van Ruijven, van Vuuren, Krey, Schwanitz and Thompson (2021). “Evaluating Process-Based Integrated Assessment Models of Climate Change Mitigation”, Climatic Change, 166(1), 1-22.
Frigg, Bradley, Steele, Thompson and Werndl (2020). “The Philosophy of Climate Science”, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (peer-reviewed).
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Thompson and AVOID2 co-authors (2016). “How can we minimise negative impacts on ocean health?”. AVOID2 Policy Card E1/E2.
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Frigg, Thompson and Werndl (2015). “Philosophy of Climate Science Part I: Observing Climate Change,” Philosophy Compass 10(12):953-964.
Thompson and AVOID2 co-authors (2015). “What contribution can mitigation of non-CO2 greenhouse gases make towards achieving long-term temperature goals?”. AVOID2 Policy Card C2b.
Thompson and AVOID2 co-authors (2015). “What is the scale and challenge of the energy system transition required to meet long-term climate goals?”. AVOID2 Policy Card C2a.
Thompson (2015). “Making good decisions: the role of science”. In Robison R. (Ed.), Sustainability: new questions, new answers. Global Sustainability Institute, ARU: Cambridge, UK.
Smith, Suckling, Thompson and Maynard (2015). “Towards improving the framework for probabilistic forecast evaluation,” Climatic Change, 132:31-45.
Thompson and AVOID2 co-authors (2014). “Which emissions pathways give a high probability of limiting global average warming to below 2C?’. AVOID2 COP20 Policy Card.
Thompson and AVOID2 co-authors (2014). “How much future damage do we avoid by limiting average warming to below 2C?”. AVOID2 COP20 Policy Card.
Thompson and AVOID2 co-authors (2014). “How can we decarbonise the global energy system, what technologies are needed and how much will it cost?”. AVOID2 COP20 Policy Card.
Thompson and AVOID2 co-authors (2014). “How much carbon can we emit without warming exceeding 2C?”. AVOID2 COP20 Policy Card.
Thompson (2013). “Modelling North Atlantic Storms in a Changing Climate,” PhD thesis, Imperial College, London.
Sorrell, Speirs, Bentley, Miller and Thompson (2012). “Shaping the global oil peak: A review of the evidence on field sizes, reserve growth, decline rates and depletion rates,” Energy, 37(1), 709-724.
Vernon, Thompson and Cornell (2011). “Carbon dioxide emission scenarios: limitations of the fossil fuel resource,” Proc. Env. Sci. 6, 206-215.
Thompson (2011). “Making our actions consistent with our scientific predictions,” Weather, 66(7) 195.
Thompson (2009). Technical Reports 2 and 3, contributed to UK Energy Research Centre, (2009), Global Oil Depletion: an assessment of the evidence for near-term physical constraints on global oil supply. UKERC Technology and Policy Assessment.
Thompson and Huppert (2007). “Granular column collapses: further experimental results,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 575, 177-186.
Thompson (Editor) (2005). Eureka 57. The Archimedeans, Cambridge University.